cute ducks

cute ducks
stop tackling me!

Monday, August 9, 2010

August 9,2010

Today at school we had a kickball game. The final score was 6-6. We would've won because it was the bottom of the 3rd, man on first no outs for me and we had to go inside. The most runs of a kickball game I ever had was in second grade. It was the last day of school. We were outside for about 50 minutes. To make a long story short, the score was us 49, them 12. The least score I ever had was a couple days ago. In the first inning they scored 0. We scored 1 because we had to go inside. Well that's about it. Tommorow I'll make another one of what happens. So bye for now. Alex Bartik.

1 comment:

  1. too bad the game got called at that time! Better luck on Tuesday Alex!

